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Seat selection on map [Centro Kursaal Elkargunea | 26.12.2025 - 20:00 | DD40 MIKEL ERENTXUN] - Centro Kursaal
Auditorioa / AuditorioCentro Kursaal Elkargunea
Friday, 26 December 2025
Auditorioa / AuditorioCentro Kursaal Elkargunea
In 2025, Mikel Erentxun takes a break from his solo career and puts his solo discography aside to focus exclusively on the band that launched him to stardom, Duncan Dhu. It marks the 40th anniversary of their debut album, and he has decided to celebrate it with the "DD40" tour, where all the classic songs from the San Sebastián band will be performed, spanning their albums from "Por tierras escocesas" to "El Duelo." Iconic tracks such as "Cien Gaviotas," "Jardín de Rosas," "Rozando la eternidad," "Entre salitre y sudor," "El ritmo de la calle," and "La casa azul" will be featured. He will be joined by his band: Marina Iñesa on guitar and vocals, Rubén Caballero on guitar, Mikel Azpiroz on keyboards, Fernando Neira on bass, and Karlos Arancegi on drums. A unique opportunity to relive live performances of songs that are true anthems in the history of Spanish music.
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